What is IT consulting? and how IT consulting works?

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For the IT consulting we have software consulting experts who take into account all the variables, to get to the heart of each product by putting themselves in the shoes of the client and the users. We can help you out designing the best strategy for your product so you can choose the appropriate technology, test your product technical viability, ensure future updates, transform processes towards a guided digitalization, ensure the privacy of your solution and implement the methodology that suits the moment. Finding the right solution when it comes to developing a digital product is a challenge, but we have a few weapons that help us to find the best path to reach it.


What is IT consulting?

IT consulting is the orientation offered by a technological professional taking into account these points:

Design-oriented product: define the complete user experience to add value.

Concept validation: what to develop, how to do it and in what order.

User-centered approach: understand the user and the circumstances that surround him.

Technology and growth: create the appropriate infrastructure to guarantee the growth of the solution and apply good practices.


How does an IT consulting works?

An IT consultancy covers the technological strategy that a digital product must follow from various perspectives. These are some of the things that an IT consultancy is used for:


Tech stack recommendation

Choosing the best technology to create a long-lasting solution and the right architecture to assure the growth. Hit the target thinking long term.

Proof of concept

Process to check if the product is feasible to develop, technically executable. Test the technical viability and understand your product.

Software audit

Analyze the proper software performance, looking for bugs or non- update technologies. Ensure the evolve of your mobile app.

Digital transformation

Looking into the business processes to get a true transformation through a suitable custom solution. A guided change on the right path.

Privacy (RGPD)

Every tech solution needs a tailored answer to comply with the user data protection. The bet for the privacy is the only right strategy.

Agile consultancy

Training and supervising teams to manage the teams from an approach that really works. Collaborate to create flexible digital product that answers the client needs.



What is the role of an IT consultant?

The IT consultant must advise the client of the digital product to, among other things, help them decide:

  • What is the technology stack you should choose for your product.
  • Understand if the product is so innovative that a small R&D effort should be made before carrying out software development.
  • Analyze the performance of the digital product and see if it can be maintained.
  • Accompany the company so that it can evolve by digitizing its processes in an appropriate way.
  • Advice for technological teams so that they can work by establishing processes that improve their productivity and communication.


IT consulting phases

  • Discovery meetings.
  • Understand the product roadmap and customer goals.
  • Decide at what stage the product is in order to offer the best IT consulting service.
  • Carry out the action plan with some of the services that we saw previously.


For us it is important to understand what you want to achieve, our Discover service helps us to know how we can help you. Contact our experts to make the mobile solution viable and useful.


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