iOS apps development: Apple Store guidelines freshen up

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April arrives full of news related to iOS app development. Our software engineer experts in iOS app development (the techies of the office, to make it clear) already know the changes. How about you, do you know the new possibilities for your iOS apps? Please, keep reading to catch up.

Apple has updated the App Store guidelines bearing in mind the new functionalities that came with iOS 13. These are the changes you’ll have to consider for iOS app development:


1.- Apple allows apps to send ads through push notifications.

iOS apps now will be able to send you ads through notifications. Apple has updated its guidelines to allow third-party companies to use push notifications for promotions or marketing purposes. The only requirement is to provide the user a way to opt-in and to opt-out of receiving these messages any time. Also, the App Store guidelines emphasize that the abuse of these services may result in the revocation of these privileges.

It has to be said that in the last years Apple was criticized for promoting its products through push notifications while developers were banned from these practices. Maybe this is the reason that spins its long-established restrictions around push notifications so Apple does not have to bend its own guidelines.


2.- Apps and updates submitted to App Store must use iOS 13 SDK

Starting on April 30, 2020 all iPhone and iPad apps submitted to the App Store must be developed using iOS 13 SDK or later. Apple also commented that apps must use an Xcode storyboard to provide launch screens so all iPone apps must support all iPhone screens and the same holds true for iPad.


3.- Sign it with Apple

Apple built last year its own quick sign-in system to offer a more privacy version to the ones created by Google and Facebook: Sign it with Apple which allows users to log-in with their Apple ID credentials. The accounts are protected with a two-factor authentication and Apple ensures not to track the users activity and gives them the opportunity to hide their email and instead generate a random ID. All these advantages come with a price and now apps that offer sign-in options will have to include Apple´s service. To soften the process, Apple provides the developers with new resources like new downloadable logos and buttons.


4.- Request reviews only using the API provided by Apple

Developers are now required to use the API provided by Apple to gather reviews, so the custom review prompts will be outlawed. This API allows customers to provide an App Store rating and review without the inconvenience of leaving the app.


5.- Apps that help to evade law are forbidden

This January new addition to the App Store guidelines (section 1.4.4.) was modified in the last version of March 2020. The section settles now that “apps may only display DUI checkpoints that are published by law enforcement agencies, and should never encourage drunk driving or other reckless behavior such as excessive speed”.


6.- Greater restriction on publishing in the App Store

Apple is clamping down on spam in the App Store and among other measures the dating and fortune-telling apps will be rejected unless they provide a “unique, high-quality experience”. In the same direction Apple is going to be ruthless in scrutinizing generic apps such as those that produce fart or burp noises or that triggers the flashlight. Apple in this case is begging us not to fill up categories already enough saturated, please stand out and don’t follow the herd!


In a nutshell

It is important for iOS apps to run using the latest technology available to offer the user all the possibilities that in this case are Dark Mode, ArRKit 3, Core ML 3 and to reach all the devices. Do not limit the scope of your iOS app development! Here is very important to keep your app always ready with a good maintenance to smooth the path.


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