How to submit your app to the App Store – the definitive guide

Reading time: 3 minutes

lanzamiento app


In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of publishing your iOS app on the App Store. From ensuring technical prerequisites to meeting legal requirements and understanding the official guidelines, we have got you covered. In our post Does my app compliant with the European GDPR? we provide some key insights to meet these requirements that have become fundamental.

Let’s dive in and get your app ready for the world!


Before submitting your iOS app to the App Store

Before you embark on the publishing journey, it’s essential to take care of a few technical prerequisites. Ensure that your app meets the necessary technical standards and guidelines set by Apple. Perform thorough testing to ensure its functionality, performance, and compatibility with various iOS devices.

Legal requirements

Next, it’s crucial to address the legal prerequisites. Make sure your app complies with copyright laws, trademarks, and privacy regulations. Pay attention to user data protection, content ownership, and intellectual property rights to avoid any legal issues in the future.

Learn the official guidelines

To successfully navigate the App Store submission process, familiarize yourself with Apple’s official guidelines. These guidelines cover various aspects such as app design, user interface, content, and functionality. Adhering to these guidelines ensures your app meets Apple’s quality standards and increases the chances of approval.


Publishing process on the App Store

Create a New App in App Store Connect

To start the publishing process, you need to create a new app in App Store Connect. Provide essential details about your app, including its name, description, category, and pricing information. You will also need to upload screenshots, app previews, and an app icon that accurately represent your app’s features and functionality.

crear app apple

Create a Product Page

Once you have created the app in App Store Connect, it’s time to create an appealing and informative product page for your app. Craft a compelling app description, highlighting its unique features and benefits. Use high-quality screenshots and videos to showcase its user experience. Pay attention to keywords and search optimization to improve its discoverability on the App Store.

info app App Store

Submit for Review

After completing the app details and product page, you can submit your app for review. Apple’s App Review team will assess your app’s compliance with their guidelines, evaluating factors like functionality, user experience, and content appropriateness. The review process may take some time, so be patient and responsive to any feedback or requests from the review team.

waiting for review App Store

Go live!

Once your app successfully passes the review process, it’s time to make it live on the App Store. Choose the release date and pricing options that best suit your app’s marketing strategy. Apple will then distribute your app to millions of iOS users worldwide, making it available for download and use. According to Apple, around 50 % of apps are reviewed in 24 hours and over 90 % are reviewed in less than 48 hours.


Metadata filled in the Product Page – where is it displayed?

The metadata you provide in the Product Page plays a vital role in how your app is displayed on the App Store. This includes the app name, subtitle, promotional text, keywords, and developer name. Make sure to optimize these elements to enhance your app’s visibility and attract potential users.

metadatos apps apple



Publishing an app on the App Store is an exciting milestone in your app development journey. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure a smooth and successful submission process. Remember to focus on technical prerequisites, meet legal requirements, adhere to official guidelines, and create an enticing product page. Get ready to showcase your app to the world and embark on a journey of success in the vibrant App Store ecosystem!



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